Products / Cloud Services
CCA OnSite (Reference: Hafen Wien – Port of Vienna and CFL)
Distributed Incident
Management – allows all important incident management tasks to be done via mobile app, ranging from incident detection,
alerting, coordination and control to documentation using a multimedia chat. A web application additionally offers
situational awareness by providing a live map view of the situation.
Unite Inform (References: ÖBB, CFL and GKB)
Active distribution of
situational information to your organization (customer information, operational, technical or crisis information). Easy
traceability of updates. Multitenant capability.
Written Order (Reference: CFL)
Safer movement
authorities for signalers - guides the signaler through issuing written orders. Considers situation, infrastructure and
local circumstances. Documents the process.
CAPS (References: Frequentis, two international railways)
Cloud service for distributing, configuring, monitoring, and disabling app installations.